

Our Approach


Pediatric Occupational Therapy in Sandy Springs, GA

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Ready to schedule an evaluation?

Are you ready to get to the root of your child’s challenges? Whether you are just starting your OT journey & interested in an initial evaluation, or you have been around the block with therapy in the past and in need of a re-evaluation, our occupational thterapists can provide the clarity & direction you seek through our comprehensive ot assessments. Together we will create a game plan to get your child on the road towards everyday success.

Occupational Therapy Evaluations in Chamblee

+ Sensory processing
+ Task completion
+ Verbalizing thoughts & emotions
+ Handwriting
+ Fine motor strength
+ Coordination

+ Sensory processing
+ Task completion
+ Verbalizing thoughts & emotions
+ Handwriting
+ Fine motor strength
+ Coordination
+ Accepting change
+ Transitions
+ Impulse control
+ Emotional regulation
+ Activities of daily living (ADL's)
+ Stamina
+ Following directions
+ Working independently
+ Sleeping
+ Overstimulation
+ Anger issues
+ Developmental delays

+ Accepting change
+ Transitions
+ Impulse control
+ Emotional regulation
+ Activities of daily living (ADL's)
+ Stamina

+ Following directions
+ Working independently
+ Sleeping
+ Overstimulation
+ Anger Issues
+ Developmental delays

In our clinic we provide both limited scope evaluations and formal in depth evaluations. Based on your child’s specific needs we will use a unique suite of standardized assessments to evaluate your child.

Our evaluations and assessments span challenges with -

What pediatric OT assessments do we provide?

We met Michaelene just a couple of days ago. Brought our son in for his first OT evaluation. Even after that first session I was blown away and I'm confident that Michaelene is absolutely going to be able to help us understand our son more, help him become aware of the "superpowers" that he possesses; how to take ownership of them, how to utilize them.... and the appropriate times to do so. I'm so excited to see where this relationship is headed. Thank you! - Tara K.

KIND words


By filling out our contact form, we will be able to have an understanding of how we may be able to help you. Our contact form is simple and should only take a few minutes to fill out. Once we receive your message we will be in contact with you to figure out the best next step.

Fill out our contact form



In order to prepare for an evaluation we need to gather a few documents first. In addition to filling out our new client forms, we will also need you to reach out to your pediatrician to get a prescription for an OT evaluation & treatment services. We will also will need a picture of your insurance card.

Gather documents & fill out new client forms



Once we have all of the documents & paperwork gathered we will find a date that works for both of us. Evaluations are typically done at the clinic, unless we work with your child’s school & are going to be working with them  at school in the future.

Schedule the evaluation



Prior to your visit we will be in touch with any addition details & to give specific directions. Parents are welcome to join us in the clinic during evaluations or wait in the waiting room. Should parents choose to join us in the clinic we ask that they sit quietly & keep to themselves so that there is not any interference with the evaluation.

Time for your evaluation!



After your child’s evaluation we will score & interpret the results. This process usually takes about a week or so to complete. Michealene creates a written report, that you will be given a copy of, that outlines the various tests/scores conducted during the evaluation & translates these scores into something that is clear & easy to understand.

Score & Interpret Evaluation



After Michaelene has finished creating the evaluation report, we will be in touch to schedule a meeting to go over our findings & discuss next steps. This meeting is typically done over the phone or zoom, and last about 40 minutes. During this meeting Michaelene will go over the report & answer any questions the parents may have.

Discuss Evaluation Summary & Next Steps


The Evaluation Process

In order to dispense any benefits or coverage, most insurance companies require their members to have a prescription from a doctor to receive OT services & an evaluation to build a plan of care. We always recommend that if you have not been evaluated in the past six months to go ahead and schedule an evaluation.

Insurance companies will ask for an evaluation to dispense benefits


An evlaution report ensures your therapists has all of the information they need to build an effective plan of care and maximize treatment sessions.

It is required to build an effective treatment plan


An evaluation will clearly identify your child’s current skill level. Using the information & data collected in the evlautaion, you and your therapists will be able to track progress accurately, and set realistic (attainable goals) for your child.

It establishes an accurate 'baseline' to work from.


Why is an evaluation necessary?

Our evaluations usually take about an hour to complete.

How long do evaluations take?

Contact Us

Ready to finally get some clarity & direction?

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We all start somewhere, and to be honest, most of our clients come to us knowing next to nothing about OT.

So, just in case you can relate, we created a guide that will help you understand a little bit more about OT (and how it can help your child), and set you up for OT success by answering some FAQs.

We also talk about insurance, so you are going to want to snag your copy!

Hey- it's ok if you have no idea what occupational therapy is.