Frequently ‘bad’ behavior is remedied with discipline, but what if your child needs help instead? We believe that behavior is communication. One explanation for ‘bad’ behavior is self regulation (and most likely sensory) challenges. Let’s discuss the most common signs your child struggles with self regulation so that you can support their needs. But first let’s make sure we all have an understanding of what self regulation is –
Self regulation is your child’s ability to change their level of alertness in any given situation throughout the day. When we say level of alertness we are referencing the state of your child’s nervous system. In a way it’s the energy we feel.
Our level of alertness can vary from revved up, bursting with energy, to relaxed, almost no energy & everything in between. One state of alertness isn’t necessarily better or worse than the other, they all serve their own purpose. When we struggle to change our level of alertness we can run into some problems.
Now that we have a basic understanding of self regulation, let’s talk about those warning signs you should keep an eye out for.
This could look like having trouble getting out of an exciting environment (like a birthday party or playing on the playground), getting out the door in the morning for school or an after school activity on time, or getting stuck in front of the television (or tablet, phone, etc.).
Some examples include when rough housing with friends or siblings turns into biting, when pushing turns into shoving into the door, or when touch turns to tackle. In these situations your child’s level of alertness continues to accelerate (or level up) without registering it’s time to shift down.
This could look like overreacting to small challenges or changes in the schedule, seaming to be out of control, or thrashing and throwing their body around. In these situations your child can’t handle any more stimulation because their system is overloaded with sensory information. Their reactions could be much greater than anticipated. You may think to yourself ‘that was the straw that broke the camel’s back’.
This could look like having a hard time playing with peers or sharing toys. Interacting with friends is hard, perhaps they misinterpret their friends behavior frequently or they miss social cues entirely. You many spend a lot of time playing referee between your child and other children their age.
This could look like wanting to horseplay or get wound up right before bedtime, having trouble falling asleep on a consistent basis, or struggling to wake up & get going in the morning, frequently seeming to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. Other examples could be they get wound up after a bath or shower or have a hard time finishing meals because they struggle to stay seated at the table.
Well let’s back up to what we learned about self regulation. Efficient self regulation enables us to transition from one alert state to another seamlessly when the situation calls for it. When we have trouble transitioning from one state to the other, that is where the trouble lies. So why would one have trouble with self regulation?
The number one reason your child could be having trouble with their self regulation is that they are processing sensory information inaccurately.
For example, say your child frequently gets upset when they accidentally get bumped by a friend while playing. This could be because their brain misinterprets tactile input as painful or dangerous. So naturally this interpretation elicits the fight, flight, or freeze response.
Another example, say your child frequently uses too much force when they play with their siblings. In this situation their muscles may not be getting enough sensory information to determine how much pressure they are using. They simply are not aware of their own force.
One last example, say your child has a hard time interacting with peers. They seemingly ignore social cues from their friends. This could mean that they are distracted (and most likely overwhelmed) with other sensory input in the environment. For example, the scratchy tag on their shirt, background noise, or the smell of someone’s lunch. All these distractions can prevent your child from participating in social interactions.
There’s a good chance that if you are reading this post, some of these scenarios sound very familiar. Before you get carried away, I want to remind you that your child is not a robot.
All of us have trouble with self regulation from time to time. Some days our system gets thrown off track – we didn’t get enough sleep, we have a stressful deadline or event crop up, we are hungry.. It happens.
The red flag to look out for is when these challenges arise on a regular basis. When our inability to self regulate prevents us from being our best selves consistently, that is when you should reach out for professional help. We talk more about how to tell whether your child needs specialized help from an occupational therapist in our post “#1 Sign Your Child Needs OT Services” if you are interested in reading more.
Self regulation plays a vital role in our lives. Some of the most common signs your child struggles with self regulation include difficulties with transitions, repeatedly using too much force, frequent meltdowns, recurring social challenges, or persistently having trouble with daily routines.
More times than not, challenges with self regulation signal underlying challenges with sensory processing. Although off days are normal, when your child’s inability to self regulate becomes a persistent challenge you may need to reach out for help from a professional that has experience with self regulation & sensory processing.
We’ve put together a free crash course for you that will walk you through the different alert states of self regulation, and give you more clarity on what to do to support your child.
Want to know more about sensory processing, self regulation, child development, & more? Our resource library is full of free crash courses, guides, and tools to help you understand more about your child & how you can support them outside of therapy.
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